Proof of the Truth of Judaism

If Judaism is false – then:

  1. The written Torah in the five books of Moses is not the Word of G-d, and therefore must have been written by one or more human beings, and
  2. The stories of G-d saving the Jewish people in Egypt and giving them the Torah at Mount Sinai are false.

Is it conceivable then, that human authors would stake the veracity of the Jewish faith on a predication, that no other nation would ever claim a similar national experience to the Jewish people’s experiences in Egypt and at Mount Sinai?

Yet in Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verses 27 through 35, the writer makes the following challenge to future generations of Jews seeking the truth: “In all of world history, has any nation ever claimed that they experienced anything like the Jewish exodus from Egypt - which included prophesized miracles experienced not only by them but by the another nation that they were liberated from? Has any nation ever claimed that G-d, taking on no physical form - spoke to an entire nation of their ancestors like the revelation to the Jewish people at Mount Sinai?”

The only tenable option is that G-d is the author.

Take the Challenge!
Win the Pot!

Name a nation (other than the Jewish People) who claim that:

  1. G-d saved them from within another nation, with wondrous signs (to first establish his true representative) and prophesized miracles*, as the Jewish tradition asserts.
  2. G-d, not in the form of a person, and not taking on any physical form* at all, spoke to the entire nation directly, as the Jewish tradition asserts.

To be fair, the question is a trick question. No other such people exist, not now and not in the entire history of the world. Out of over four thousand current religions, Judaism is the only one that claims a nation of their ancestors were witness to G-d's miraculous saving and speaking directly to them. No other religion or people claim a revelation narrative even remotely resembling it.

Why offer prize money that can never be claimed? To get your attention. If the pot becomes large enough, more people's attention will be caught, and the truth will be available to all of them. But hey, if you think you can come up with a people that disproves the thousands-of-years-old prophecy that no other people will ever make such a claim (see below), the form is below.

List the nation here:

List the claims and your source for the claims:


See some of the answers that people posted and our responses.

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Donate to raise the prize money. (All proceeds will go to charity when the challenge has finished.)


“Origin Stories”

The Story Of The Jewish People

(and the idea behind this website:)

The Jewish people have always believed that their ancestors experienced a miraculous redemption of their entire nation (consisting of approximately 2,000,000 people) from slavery in Egypt, and revelation of the Ten Commandants directly from G-d. The entire nation has been commemorating these events with multiple daily and seasonal practices from the time they occurred. Practicing Jews, who have passed the testimony of their forefathers in an unbroken chain from father to son since the exodus from Egypt, need no other proof. Together with the passing of the entirety of Torah and our complete history from teacher to student, they have all of the evidence they need. But what about everyone else?

Thousands of years ago the Torah (the Old Testament - Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verses 25-40) prophesized that at the end of days, Jews who seek G-d will be given the means to find strength and conviction in the Jewish faith. G-d will strengthen them by challenging them to search throughout history for the answer to this website's question. Through that contemplation Jews will come back to the truth of G-d and his Torah.

The story of the Christian faith (2.3 billion followers):

The Christian faith believes that everything in the Old Testament is true and the word of G-d. The Old Testament states that the Jewish people were miraculously saved from Egypt and G-d directly spoke to them on Mount Sinai (Exodus Chapters 1-19). It tells the story of a G-d that knows the future (prophecy throughout the Bible). Most importantly, it states that G-d will never forsake the Jewish people (Deuteronomy Chapter 30 verse 6 among many other places). It also warns the Jews to remember that G-d did not speak to them with any form or image (Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verse 15).

Then a person said that G-d, in the form of a human, forsook the Jewish people and chose anyone who accepts him as their god to be the new chosen nation. Some sects within Christianity now say that person wasn’t G-d, but a prophet. Nonetheless they believe that G-d changed his mind and chose a new nation consisting of anyone that accepts this man’s teachings.

Christians, like every almost other religion, does have a revelation narrative and stories of miracles. There is one thing that they absolutely do NOT claim.

They do not believe that a nation of their ancestors experienced any of them.

The story of the Islamic faith (1.8 billion followers):

The Muslim faith believes that everything in the Old Testament is true and the word of G-d. While their version of the Old Testament has differences to the original Jewish Torah, it agrees that the Jewish people were miraculously saved from Egypt and G-d directly spoke to them on Mount Sinai. It tells the story of a G-d that knows the future (prophecy throughout the Koran), and it acknowledges Moses as a true prophet and emissary of G-d. Then a person said that G-d gave him a new book and that everyone should now follow it’s teachings.

Islam, like every almost other religion, does have a revelation narrative and stories of miracles. There is one thing that they absolutely do NOT claim.

They do not believe that a nation of their ancestors experienced any of them.


  • More than half of world's population (4.1 billion Christians and Muslims out of just above 7.5 billion people) all trust the testimony of individuals for the foundation of their faith. Is it not remarkable that they all also believe the Jewish narrative of the miraculous exodus from Egypt and G-d's mass-revelation to the entire Jewish people?
  • If all religions are a lie, why is the originator of Judaism the only one that got an entire people to believe that G-d's miraculous redemption and revelation of His will occurred to them or their ancestors? How did he do it, and why didn't any other religion do the same?
  • Would the only one ever who figured out how to get a nation to believe that G-d's miraculous redemption and revelation of His will occurred to them or their ancestors, stake the authenticity of his religion on the claim that no one would ever pull of what he just did? Of course not! He is the one person who knows it can be done!? And yet the author of the written Torah (Old Testament) three thousand years ago did just that, in Deuteronomy Chapter 4 verses 25-40. He said that that from now until the end of days, no other people will ever claim a national miraculous redemption from within another nation, and mass revelation to their people. The one person who knows it can be done would never say, "This is only true if no one else ever pulls it off." And yet the Torah makes that bold claim, for us to read at the end of days. If it is irrational that a man would write it, the alternative (which answers all of the questions) is that the author was not a man. The Jewish narrative is true, and G-d chose them and gave them the Torah to be a light onto the nations.

(*) - Checklist:

  • The group consists of a nation, defined as a large body of people united by common descent, history, culture, or language, inhabiting (or having inhabited) a particular country or territory.
  • The narrative is and has been accepted as part of the nation’s core belief system.
  • The nation that this nation was saved from is an actual known nation.
  • The revelation of G-d speaking to them did not occur with G-d presenting himself in human form.
  • The group is NOT the Jewish People who demonstrably already have these unique events as part of their history.
  • If the events occurred to the Jewish people, and a different group built their belief system on top of the Jews’ history without having similar events on a national scale occur to them; then the group did not have the events occur to them and therefore the group does not qualify.

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